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Linda Watt

Linda Watt

West Vancouver Municipal Councillor

"Paul's character and integrity are incomparable; his accomplishments humbling. We are fortunate to have a candidate of this calibre. To say he is not your average candidate is an understatement. Paul has a real global perspective, born from years of military and medical service, in communities across the globe. He doesn’t just roll up his sleeves occasionally, service is entrenched in his DNA. Paul has fought on the frontlines of the Ebola crisis, putting his own life on the line to save others. Here at home, he wages a daily battle in the ER with the devastating opioid epidemic. This is a man who truly puts the needs and welfare of others above his own. He is the candidate who walks the walk. I have found his energy to be boundless, his commitment to Canada unquestionable. When elected, he will make a profound difference in the battle to regain control of our collective future. In my opinion, Paul is the only choice for the Sea to Sky."

Milos Pospisil

Milos Pospisil

Management Consultant & Program Manager, Director of Centaurus Consulting

"I fully and enthusiastically support Paul's candidacy. I've known him for several years and we've worked closely together on our humanitarian mission to fundraise and deliver medical supplies to children's hospitals and frontline medics in Ukraine. Paul is a tremendously accomplished professional, a compassionate person with strong character and a devoted father. We would benefit from his representation."

Basil Botha

Basil Botha


"It is my pleasure to support Paul as candidate who truly reflects the values and highest ideals that I aspire to. He is willing to speak up about the issues of housing, mental health, affordability, crime, healthcare and the opioid crisis, which have spun out of control under the current government. Paul has worked tirelessly as a candidate to this race in our riding, which has further demonstrated his ability to compete at a high level."

Keith Brown

Keith Brown

President & Founder, Financial Confidence Advisors

"Paul is an outstanding member of our constituency and understands what we need to represent us in Ottawa. Our community is committed to fairness and inclusion in the Canadian Parliament and we need a strong voice so we can be heard."

Mats Gerschman

Mats Gerschman

Former Assistant Dean, UBC Sauder School of Business - Management Consultant

“I support Paul to represent me in Parliament. He has hands-on experience from two very important areas: military and healthcare. In times when Canada is ranked 25th place of NATO countries as to GDP contribution, we need understanding of our defense needs in these uncertain times. We need knowledge and real understanding in order to get Canada on its feet again. Being a 35 year plus resident in Eagle Harbour, West Vancouver, I am convinced that Paul is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make things change for the better.”

Peter Kosick

Peter Kosick


"My wife and I support your candidacy."

Dr. Kevin Koopman

Dr. Kevin Koopman

Family Physician

"Paul is a true leader who is unapologetically willing to speak up about the issues. He will professionally yet vigorously push for what is truthful, evidence-based, and moral. He is a voice to stand up against corruption, greed, bureaucracy, and incompetence. We need leaders and not followers. I wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Paul Dhillon"

Joel McLaughlin

Joel McLaughlin

MBA - 2003 President of UBC Young Conservatives - Transformation Lead at HSBC

"I've known Paul for over two decades since our time with the UBC Young Conservatives in the early 2000s, and wholeheartedly endorse him. His dedication to conservative values and exceptional ability to lead and inspire those around him have always stood out. Paul has shown unwavering commitment to serving his community and the principles we hold dear. His professional achievements in medicine and dedication to public service exemplify the kind of leadership our party and country need. He will bring a fresh, principled, and dedicated perspective to the Conservative party."

David Marley

David Marley

Retired Lawyer - Former Director of Legal Services, Progressive Conservative Party of Canada - Former Executive Director, BC Social Credit Party

“I have been an active conservative since 1971. Over the years, I have seen and, in many cases, worked closely with an awful lot of candidates, MLAs and MPs. In my opinion, Paul is one of the most able and best qualified individuals to put his name forward to seek elected office that I have seen in a great long while. His academic and professional accomplishments to date, his discipline, work ethic and sense of duty are beyond impressive. It is, however, his obvious integrity and passion for our country and its future that recommend him most to me. I urge my fellow Conservatives to vote for Paul.”

Neil Carroll

Neil Carroll

Former RAF Pilot Officer

"Paul is a candidate who: Holds Canada in the highest regard - he serves as a doctor in the medical arm of the Canadian Forces. Has lived the doctors without borders life - during the Ebola epidemic. Continues to support our healthcare system (in the trenches) by being an Emergency Physician. Lives with his family in OUR neighbourhood. Is qualified by Medical and Canadian Forces to contribute to current NATO medical support strategies. Holds the same values as I do... even when my hair was still red!"

Aaron Ottho

Aaron Ottho

Management of Technology MBA | Vancouver Centre Conservative EDA Board

"Paul is the most enterprising and talented individual I have ever met. He has a tireless work ethic and passion for making Canada a better place. His knowledge and experience in healthcare & defence would be an incredible asset to add to Pierre's team. He is the type of quality candidate other ridings dream of."

Dr. Tommy Gerschman

Dr. Tommy Gerschman


"Paul has a history of bringing people together to successfully drive change, his commitment to service for his community is unwavering. He excels in uniting people and embodies a positive outlook for the future. Whether it is rallying the local Rotary Club, creating a national soccer team for Canadian physicians, or advocating against entrenched interests to improve access to family doctors, his commitment to service for his community is unwavering. Paul pulls people together with his passion and shared vision, he is ready to lead us forward."

Burton Myers

Burton Myers

Order of Ontario for Conservation, Diamond Award for Community Service, National Award Winning Writer, Editor and Photographer, Hall of Fame Muskie Fisherman, Hockey Coach

"Having lectured in Canada and the US to university students on the art of leadership, as an award-winning journalist who has interviewed hundreds of politicians of all stripes including prime ministers and presidents, and as a volunteer hockey coach for over three decades you get a sense of when you are in the presence of true leadership and integrity. Paul has it, and my vote."

Dionne O'Gorman

Dionne O'Gorman

Director Consulting Services at CGI - BA, PMP, MBA

"Our riding is an important one. I would like to see the candidate we select head to Ottawa and become a Cabinet Minister. Paul is the only candidate with the stature, intelligence, work ethic and empathy to be able to do this and properly represent our riding. As Canadians we need strong leaders that are capable of making tough decisions. I support Paul because he has demonstrated the ability to do this on a daily basis."

Christopher Loat

Christopher Loat

Director of L&L Maritime Corporation, Master Mariner, Past Co Chair of Mission to Seafarers, Past Director of West Vancouver Foundation, Trustee of St Christopher's Church, President of Rotary Club of West Vancouver 2004-2005, Rotarian for 23 years

"I have known Paul for many years. His background in health care, business and the military bring skill sets which will be very helpful to getting the right things done. Paul is ethical, he practices service above self and above all he will do what is right for Canadians."

Kyle Sue

Kyle Sue

Physician, MD

"Paul is a strong leader. When his mind is set on an issue, he does not let any hiccups get in the way. It doesn't matter if it's against the establishment. He persists. Where others would roll over and give up, he keeps at it. I strongly believe he will be an effective MP and a voice for his constituents."

Add YOUR Endorsement

In the military, you need a good team to accomplish a mission.

Paul can’t do this alone, he needs your help.

With only a few days left your help can make a big difference.

Now is the time for you to answer the call as well.

Put your name forward to endorse Paul.

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